Friday 3 May 2013

Survey Form

Survey form on DIGI

1.     Gender :
o   Female
o   Male

2.     Age: ___________

3.     Job status:
o   working adult
o   students
o   others: __________________________

4.     The highest Qualification: ______________________

5.     Monthly spending:
o   RM 0 – RM 500
o   RM 501 – RM 1000
o   RM 1000 ad above

6.     How much do you spend on mobile phone bills every month  ?
o   RM 30 - 50
o   RM 51 - 70
o   RM 71 and above

7.     Why do you choose Digi?
o   Coverage
o   Services
o   Price
o   Offers :  _____________________

8.     Would you use more services provided by Digi if your income had increased? Why?

o   Yes : _______________________________________________

o   No  : _______________________________________________

9.     If the services provided by Digi increased in price, will you continue to using it? Why?

o   Yes : _______________________________________________

o   No  : _______________________________________________

10.  If there is another telecommunication company offers services at a much lower price, will this change your choice to use Digi? Why?

o   Yes : _______________________________________________

o   No  : _______________________________________________

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